13 December 2010


i am in jerusalem and it is really nice being here; more on this topic later

my friend hanna exel took a picture of one of my drawings for me and i want to put it here because this blog was probably supposed to be less about my "feelings" and "foods" i "ate" and more about art so here is an art i made in paris.

i would say 'au revoir' or something but it's weird because nobody speaks french in israel.

12 December 2010


i don't like say good-bye to people, and i don't like saying good-bye to places.
it is 3:40 in the morning and i am waiting for my taxi to charles de gaulle, which will be leading me to tel aviv by way of rome. i am sitting on the floor of my empty living room wearing my big yellow rain-boots because they weigh 3kg and i could not fit them in my suitcase. it is not raining.
i didn't know what to do for my last night here and felt overwhelmed with the significance of it so instead i stayed home to finish packing, cleaning, and to watch "teen wolf" on netflix instant watch. i also ordered sushi on the internet from the restaurant down the block and had it delivered to my door. i didn't have to wear shoes until just now, which is good, because i would have been wearing big yellow rain boots, and it is not raining.
unfortunately i will remember this night forever. future-me will yell at now-me for being lazy and not going to some club or bar or even just sitting alone in some cafe drinking coffee until it closes just so that i can "be in paris" for the "last time," but i spent plenty of time doing that this semester. it wont be the latest or most expensive or decadent nights that i remember here, nor will it be the best pain au chocolat or the cheapest petit cafe noir or the cutest french boy on a bicycle who almost ran me over-- rather, i miss the quotidienne, the walking past the louvre on the way to buy tea; the eating crudites and sketching couples every tuesday in the pompidou courtyard, because why not; the quick jacket-less trips to the boulangerie downstairs to grabs a croque monsieur or chausson aux pommes before doing homework; the architecture of the apartments lining every street; the red, triangular tabac signs that crowd every street; the sidewalks littered with dog feces (or maybe not this one); the difficulty of procuring a taxi past 2am, and the satisfaction of being able to walk home from wherever you are.
paris changed me, but not at all in the way i expected. i thought i would come back "cultured" and maybe "egotistical" or "with a superiority complex", but instead i have learned how to feel comfortable blending in. in paris, you are anonymous. oberlin is an insular community where everyone knows who you are, which creates the delusion that they care who you are or are watching you, which maybe they are or aren't, but i thought they were. paris has taught me how to remain comfortably subtle, to not draw too much attention to yourself. to appreciate that cooking a good meal with friends is infinitely more valuable than buying the bar out a a club. i don't know. my taxi is here. i am going to tel aviv.

ne m'oubliez pas, paris.

07 December 2010


i could tell you about amsterdam or i could tell you about london or i could tell you about being twenty or how i haven't slept in three days or how i can't sleep now because i am not used to it even though i am finished with all my work or i could tell you about how i really don't think i am ready to leave france and how i am going to miss running downstairs in socks and a cashmere sweater and buying a croque monsieur at noon so i can eat it in bed while knitting or spending twelve hours working at the pompidou library like it's not even a big deal i'm just studying in the pompidou a floor below the annette messager installation i am writing a paper on like this is paris so we are too busy to care about any of this because we are on the euro so you wouldn't understand

or i could tell you about my four am flight to israel on december 12 and how i am really anxious about returning to israel not because of "safety" or anything stupid like that but because i think i like to pretend i didn't exist until two years ago but really i have this whole semester of history in israel that i somehow remember nothing of and what is it going to be like going back there but being now-me and not then-me?? i don't know how paris-me or oberlin-me or even just post-2008-me will relate to israel. i don't really have a strong relationship with zionism or judaism anymore, and i also just don't really remember how to speak any hebrew except for "where is bathroom" and "chocolate milk in bag" and stuff. i feel this incredible knot in my throat like i ate a lot of dry spaghetti or watched one of those short films about canine diabetes or something. i am nervous to return to israel because i feel like there are certain expectations of me that i cannot stand up to. i have been living in paris eating croissants wearing coats and speaking poor french for a semester. it has been self-indulgent and maybe "culturally valuable" but mostly just "fun" and sort of easy and israel is historical and "important" and supposed to be this large part of my life and it just feels really difficult in comparison. it is not just another vacation like hamsterdam or fundon. or is it? i don't know. i don't know why i am so wrecked about it. it is probably not really relevant to my semester in paris but i can't write about anything else while israel is crowding up my mind-grapes.

it is four am but i can't sleep
i can't really ever sleep anymore
i think i am really anxious about a lot of things
i don't know

09 November 2010

meat frat

today i am going to talk to you about the #meat #frat below our apartment. it is a boucherie and it is run by four male mens, ages twenty-six-to-thirty. they all have brown hair and are probably best friends from meats school because they really seem to enjoy owning and operating a succesful "modern boucherie" together. they always have lots of free meats for sample by the register, and sometimes even on the street so that when you walk by you can grab a slice of porc rosette and be "that girl eating porc rosette in the metro" and then "that girl picking porc rosette out of her teeth in the metro" and eventually "that girl thinking about whether she can double back and get more free porc rosette if she puts a hat on or takes a quick shower in the metro." they also sell some nice roast beefs, and lots of weird-looking pates that i haven't tried yet because i just don't know.


hi everyone or just daniel penny

i am sorry i don't like to talk with letters into this box much anymore, but isn't it a good thing that i am "doing so many things here" that i "don't have time to sit here and just make internet with you for fifteen minutes" like i used to?? like for example i have been "learning about vpn clients" and "how you can use them to make netflix work in france" so that is something that makes it hard to find time to do this; also research, like finding which clubs have bouncers that you can say things to like "i am on the guest list probably under a boys name"  and they will let you in for free even though you made up a bad name and then repeated a different but also bad name when they asked you what the name was again. as you can imagine, things are very busy and i have been sleeping a lot.

for the past two weeks or so, different permutations of friends have been staying in/on the apartment beds/floors/table-surfaces and eating our eggs and drinking our milks and icing us when we are just trying to play ukulele (mom and dad and daniel penny i would give you a link to this website where they explain what 'icing' is but i think it broken so you will just have to guess that my friends came into the living room and put a minnie-mouse shaped cube of ice on my body-face which was unfortunate because not only could i not use the ice in my diet coke later so it was lukewarm which is weird but also i got just a little bit cold, not cold enough to put on a sweater but just enough to feel uncomfortable and maybe complain a little bit about it)

it was really nice having them but now they are gone and the milks are all mine again!!! this morning i ate two yoghurts just because i could and don't you say anything like "but did you really need two yoghurts" because i am almost twenty years old and i can decide for myself whether i can eat two yoghurts in the morning or not!!! UGH

anyway blah blah lets see i went to a contemporary art "thing" called jeune creation which was an exhibition of several young artists in a warehousey-basement-type-place in probably the bushwick of paris, where they were selling heinekens for 2 euros which is really cheap for paris, so it reminded me a lot of oberlin in the sense that i got a little bit drunk and saw a bunch of "art" that i really disliked but then also some "art" that i really like-liked. i heard that they picked a "winner" at the end of the night but this really bothered me because what does that even mean?? how can you pick a "winner" if the entries are all different medias and themes and processes and humanmakers?? can you objectively say that a photograph of a mom and adorable child-thing wearing a mask is "better" than video-poetry of tetris magnets or a giant turn-table made of orange paper mâché?? subjectively you can and maybe subjectively i agree with you but "winning" is not a subjective function and so objectively i disagree with you and am objectively uncomfortable with contemporary art shows in paris with little-to-no congruency subjectively selecting "winners" blah blah ummmmmm okay yeah

i also went on this vacation to normandy with molly and my parents but i think i can get to that later because it will be less scary to come back here if i know i have something else to say

okay c'est tout~

19 October 2010


i have been reading a lot of food blogs recently which is something i had never done before, but i think i want to "start cooking more" because did you know that food tastes better when you do more stuff with it?? and also that sometimes if you just look at pictures of really good food and say to yourself that you will make it tomorrow you feel better about the salty pasta you had for dinner?? my goals is to make a dinner that involve more than three minutes of prep time and uses minimal teriyaki or sriracha or balsamic vinagrette

french class keeps getting better, as i learn how to express myself in more colorful ways. for example, "mes notes ne transfera pas a mon universitaire, donc je n'ai pas besoin de exceller dans cette classe, je dois le passer justement" roughly translates to "i am not trying very hard please do not make me."

i bought tickets to go to amsterdam for my birthday, which i am really excited about but also kind of sad about because i looked at pictures of my birthday from last year and wish i could celebrate with all of my friends. but instead i will be in amsterdam with molly and melissa and kara and maybe daniel so really how bad could my life be?? i like to complain sometimes but lol i live in paris lol

17 October 2010


in lieu of studying for my contemporary art midterm tomorrow, i edited one of molly's photos from the opera garnier. we saw roland petit's ballet. it was lovely.